
numpy: Install numpy

Check Installation

First, check to see if you already have numpy installed. From the terminal, you can use pip to do this.

pip show numpy

If numpy is installed you will get output similar to this.

Name: numpy
Version: 1.13.3
Summary: NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
Home-page: http://www.numpy.org
Author: NumPy Developers
Author-email: numpy-discussion@python.org
License: BSD
Location: /home/konrad/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages

If numpy is not installed no output will be shown.

Install numpy

numpy can be installed simply using pip.

pip install numpy

Check version

You can check the numpy version using pip show as demonstrated above.

pip show numpy
Name: numpy
Version: 1.13.3
Summary: NumPy: array processing for numbers, strings, records, and objects.
Home-page: http://www.numpy.org
Author: NumPy Developers
Author-email: numpy-discussion@python.org
License: BSD
Location: /home/konrad/.local/lib/python2.7/site-packages

Video tutorial

This video will walk you through installing/updating numpy using pip.

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